[gallery ids="28844,28845,28846,28847,28848,28849,28850,28851,28852,28853"] Year 5s have been reading Ice Trap! by M. P. Roberton and Meredith Hooper. Here we acted out being reporters and interviewing Shackleton on his feelings when Endurance finally succumbed to the ice and his dream of crossing the Antarctic failed....
This week, Year 4 started a new unit using the novel 'The Iron Giant' by Ted Hughes. As a hook, we used our craft skills to build little iron men. Our work in on sound in Science has also continued, with us making straw harmonicas...
Look at that concentration because of the attention to detail. Year 2 have been sketching sunflowers in the style of Vincent Van Gogh....
Chestnut class enjoyed making some delicious pain au chocolate. [gallery ids="28811,28812,28813,28814,28815,28816,28817,28810,28809"]...
[gallery ids="28787,28786,28788,28789"] Year 1 have been reading Jack and the Beanstalk, this week. They have enjoyed making their character masks and role-playing the story. We have found super talented actors in the class!...
Year 4 has had fun in Science this week, continuing with their topic of Sound. They have learned the different ways they can amplify sound waves , increasing the volume of the sound. [gallery ids="28783,28782"] ...
Chestnut class painted some beautiful self-portraits! [gallery ids="28743,28747,28744,28746,28745"]...