Here you will find a curriculum overview for both of our schools.
We follow the National Curriculum for KS1 and the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for Reception. We aim to provide a broad, balanced, exciting and effective curriculum, designed to meet the needs of all learners.
In Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which provides an inviting and stimulating environment where play, exploration and practical activities form a foundation for all learning.
The children are helped to learn, play together, relate to each other, share, listen and co-operate. They are given opportunities to learn through access to sand and water play, books, painting and craft materials, computers, puzzles, construction kits, small-world play and outdoor equipment.
Structured activities are planned to develop early reading, writing and numeracy skills.
By the end of Reception, most children are beginning to read and write independently and to use numbers to solve written and practical problems.
From Year 1 onwards this includes all the subjects of the National Curriculum: English, Mathematics, RE, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Music, Art, Physical Education, ICT and PSHE.
The curriculum is planned so that the children are given opportunities to develop skills and acquire knowledge in each curriculum area, with subjects combined in a topic approach wherever possible and at other times taught as separate subjects.
We try to involve children in educational day trips to provide them with first-hand experiences to extend and enrich what they are learning about in the classroom. As well as trips out of school, we also invite various groups into school to support the children’s learning, such as drama groups, storytellers, artists and musicians.
At St Gildas’ we have designed our curriculum to ensure that children develop core skills, as well as a lifelong passion for learning. Through a broad and rich variety of subjects and topics, we aim to equip all children with the skills and knowledge to enter secondary school with confidence.
Our curriculum coverage includes all aspects of the 2014 National Curriculum, but is enriched further with topics relevant to developing young people who are keen and ready to play a part in today’s society. Our curriculum considers the needs of, and can be accessed by, all our children. Children are taught all areas of the National Curriculum:
Core subjects:
Foundation subjects:
In addition, Educational visits and visitors into school are an important aspect of our curriculum and are used to broaden the children’s enthusiasm for, and understanding of the topics we teach.