Find out what your child will be learning this term in Reception.
Find out what your child will be learning this term in Reception.
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and we wish you all the best for 2025.
The Aim of Religious Education at St Peter-in-Chains is to produce religiously literate children who have the knowledge, understanding and skills to think spiritually, ethically, theologically and who are aware of the demands of religious commitment in everyday life.
Our objectives as religious educators are:
Our RE topics this half term are Celebrating and Gathering. We will work on how children celebrate different events in their lives and how the parish community gathers to celebrate together. Children will discuss how they feel when they come together with friends and family, and learn how the church community gathers to celebrate the Mass.
Comprehension, Word Reading and Writing
Children will learn to:
Word Reading
Children will learn to:
Children will learn to:
This half term in English, we will be doing shared reading and activities around our big books, which are: The Meanies, Look for me in this ABC, and It’s the weekend. We will also continue doing guided reading sessions, where the children will be encouraged to talk about the pictures, characters and sequence of events.
We will be commencing Little Wandle Phase 3, and have fun phonic activities every day. We will continue to work on our Phase 2 sounds, and we will practise segmenting and blending words to help us with our reading and writing. Please encourage and support your child to use their phonics when reading and writing at home, in order to consolidate what they have learnt at school.
The children have lots of opportunities to write and draw. We encourage children to form their letters correctly when writing. Please continue to support children in forming their letters correctly at home, according to the school’s handwriting policy. We are also working on the correct use of capital letters, full stops and finger spaces when writing.
Speaking, Listening, Attention and Understanding
Children will learn to:
Listening, Attention and Understanding
Children will learn to:
The children will be encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas with their classmates. Children will be supported to speak in full sentences and use as much interesting vocabulary as possible. We encourage the children to develop their speaking skills through a wide range of activities across the curriculum, including storytelling, singing and role play. We support them in modelling language and using new vocabulary as they play. Our talk topics for this half term are: ‘Getting on and falling out’, and ‘Keeping safe and well’.
Number and Numerical Patterns
Children will learn to:
Numerical Patterns
Children will learn to:
Every day we have problem solving, reasoning and numeracy activities. We will continue to teach the children to recognise, say and use numbers in the correct order. The children will be exploring mathematical vocabulary such as more and less, tall and short, before and next etc. We will learn how to copy and make repeating patterns, make sets of different objects and discuss the methods used. We will be exploring and talking about 2D shapes and their properties. The children will start to learn basic practical adding and taking away, and we will encourage the children to explain their methods of calculation. Please take any opportunity to reinforce number recognition, counting and basic practical adding and taking away.
Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities, The Natural World
Past and Present
Children will learn to:
People, Culture and Communities
Children will learn to:
The Natural World
Children will learn to:
Our topic this half term is Growth and Ourselves. We will be doing lots of fun and creative activities linked to themes on growing and our bodies. We will be talking about differences as we grow, naming main external body parts, learning about our 5 senses and playing lots of practical scientific games.
The children will continue to use ICT to support their literacy and numeracy skills as well as creative work. Children have enjoyed learning from websites such as BusyThings, topmarks, phonicsplay and cbbc.
Creating with Materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive
Creating with Materials
Children will learn to:
Being Imaginative and Expressive
Children will learn to:
As part of our ‘Ourselves’ topic we will be doing lots of creative artwork like making skeletons with straws and painting self-portraits. We will also continue to enjoy messy play with playdough and shaving foam, and will also be doing some junk modelling.
Gross Motor Skills and Fine Motor Skills
Gross Motor Skills
Children will learn to:
Fine Motor Skills
Children will learn to:
We will continue to support children to develop their gross motor skills outdoors, through activities such as riding bikes and scooters, skipping and ball games. We will also continue to provide learning opportunities for developing fine motor skills, such as threading, using scissors, playdough activities and much more.
Children will participate in PE lessons led by specialist PE coach on Fridays. Please support your child in learning to put their jumpers, cardigans and coats on.
We will be encouraging children to further develop their fine motor skills through tactile activities with shaving foam and playdough, as well as through tasks involving threading and using tweezers. The children will be given lots of opportunities to write and draw, and we shall be encouraging them to form all the letters correctly. If you would like to help your child with letter formation please refer to the pre-school booklet you were given. Those children who are not quite ready for writing will practise fine motor control and mark making in a variety of media.
Self-Regulation, Managing Self and Building Relationships
Children will learn to:
Managing Self
Children will learn to:
Building Relationships
Children will learn to:
We will continue to support the children in developing good relationships with their peers, as well as staff. We will encourage the children to talk about how they feel and we will teach them strategies that they can use to deal with various feelings.
Children are provided with fresh fruit as a mid-morning snack and have access to water throughout the day. Please refill your child’s water bottle daily and make sure they remember to bring it to school.
We will use the online learning journal Tapestry to record your child’s learning journey and development in Reception. Remember that you access this from home at any time to look at photographs, videos and notes following your child’s time at school.
Please ensure that all uniform is clearly labelled with your child’s name. Children have constant access to their water bottle throughout the school day, so it is important to wash and refill your child’s bottle every day.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free talk to us after school or arrange an appointment at your convenience.